Monday, February 24, 2014


Alexander Weitzner - Visuals are good. I'm not crazy about the font/color choice but that's probably just my personal opinion, looks good overall, a bit too much empty space though

Matthew Mensher - Format looks clean and nice. Good use of an uppercase, bold and colored font for titles. I can't seem to grasp how the image at the bottom is related

Matt Fishman - Very nice style and color scheme. Bottom text looks a bit cramped. Image looks good and is well placed so it catches the eye.

Austin Demos - Could use some formatting and style, looks a bit too basic and similar to a word document. Add some similar games as well

Daniyal N. Khan's – Inteesting and unique design. The stick figures make it look a bit amateur but aside from that it looks really nice.

Evan LeClairs - Very nice format and slogan. Pitch looks clean and crisp. My only critique would be to use a larger font for the titles because it looks smaller than the body text.

Ralph Perricelli - Interesting game concept but the pitch design looks a bit amateur. Space out the font more and work on the background a bit more.

Joseph Verducci - Clean looking design but the monochromeness is a bit rough on the eyes. The header font could also be improved to look more engaging. Generally good design.
Chris Yowan - N/A

In order to improve the design of my pitch, a good start would be making the “Hide ‘n’ Seek” subheading match more appropriately with the RuneScape logo as it clashes pretty badly right now. Another crucial improvement would be to make the font more fitting to RuneScape’s style and also bold the titles so that they stand out above the body text. I would also change the size of the first image as it’s a bit too small compared to the others. The final improvement I would make would be to improve the general spacing of the document as it’s a bit cramped all around.

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