Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Project 9 Participation

John Aromando - Your shape doesn't seem to be completely isometric, there are definitely some perspective errors. Also make sure you save your file in the right format to avoid blurriness.

Austin Demos - There is some distortion on the top right side of your shape. Make sure you save as PNG or GIF in order to reduce artifacts and improve quality.

Matt Fishman - There is quite a few alignment issues which leads the perspective to look incorrect/off.

Evan LeClair - Use more contrast in your colors, it's very hard to see what's going on in some areas.

Matthew Mensher - Your dithering is a bit too harsh and a few angles are off.

Joseph Verducci - Increase the size of the image in photoshop before posting and make sure you save as a PNG or GIF to avoid artifacts and loss of quality.

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